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"Everything fits together" the American weekly Science News (December 2, 2000 edition, p. 366) quoted Norman Chan of University College London as saying, to suggest that "the menstrual cycle helps trigger heart attacks among women with other risk factors." He added that low estrogen concentrations in the blood create stiff vessels, based on his own unpublished data. That was a comment about a study presented at a recent meeting of the American Heart Association, in New Orleans, which reported that in a small group of women having heart attacks at a young age (35 - 47 years old), the attack happened within five days of the start of their periods. The women had other risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure. Estrogen is low at this time.
The cost of the menstrual cycle in young Swedish women. Non-pill users in Sweden spend on average US$1/month more on sanitary supplies than pill users. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2000 Jun;5(2):152-6 Kristjansdottir J, Johansson ED, Ruusuvaara L Analysis of menstrual diary data across the reproductive life span applicability of the bipartite model approach and the importance of within-woman variance. Sounds interesting, but mathematical! [Ms. Simpson's comment.] J Clin Epidemiol 2000 Jul;53(7):722-33 Harlow SD, Lin X, Ho MJ The female athlete. A review of potential problems for female athletes. Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Mar;14(1):37-53 Warren MP, Shantha S Premenstrual symptoms are relieved by massage therapy. And here's one every woman with a partner should print out and pin up! [Ms. Simpson's comment. Mine: Aw riiiight!] J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2000 Mar;21(1):9-15 Hernandez-Reif M, Martinez A, Field T, Quintero O, Hart S, Burman I
Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2000 Jun;5(2):152-6 Kristjansdottir J, Johansson ED, Ruusuvaara L
J Clin Epidemiol 2000 Jul;53(7):722-33 Harlow SD, Lin X, Ho MJ
Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Mar;14(1):37-53 Warren MP, Shantha S
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2000 Mar;21(1):9-15 Hernandez-Reif M, Martinez A, Field T, Quintero O, Hart S, Burman I
1. Disturbed sleep and dysmenorrhea 2. Menstrual disorders and smoking 3. The timing of breast-cancer surgery 4. Women in the U.K., France and U.S.A. have similar premenstrual symptoms and are reluctant to seek treatment
[a letter follows] Since current information on human pheromones is available on your site, you may be interested in looking at my site. It also contains current information, as related to my 1995 book on human pheromones. Jim Kohl
They found that odourless compounds from the armpits of women in the late follicular phase of their menstrual cycles accelerated the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone of recipient women and shortened their menstrual cycles. Axillary (underarm) compounds from the same donors which were collected later in the menstrual cycle (at ovulation) had the opposite effect: they delayed the luteinizing-hormone surge of the recipients and lengthened their menstrual cycles. By showing in a fully controlled experiment that the timing of ovulation can be manipulated, this study provides definitive evidence of human pheromones.
Hi, Thanks for this great site! I'm going to add a link to the Museum of Menstruation to my new Menstruation Net links category (which I'm creating today) at Womens Health- The Mining Company Please stop by for a visit and I'd appreciate a link from your site, as well. Womens Health- The Mining Company features hundreds of reviewed Net links in currently 25 categories, weekly feature articles which deal with important health issues, scheduled chats, a free newsletter, and coming this week is a bulletin board where women will be able to ask questions and get answers. Have a great day! Tracee Cornforth Womens Health Guide- The Mining Company This week's feature: Cancer: Part Three- Support Services * Subscribe to my Free newsletter! Personal Homepages:
I would love to have a link from your site to ours!!!!!!! We have pages on - menstrual cycles - menopause as well as other topics not covered elsewhere. Your site is great! Joan Schrammeck Development Director, Feminist Women's Health Center 106 East E Street, Yakima, WA 98901 website: voice mail: 800-572-4223 x112
The doubt, that young people were not quite reliable, was common in every circle . . . . Newspapers recommended substances to hasten the growth of beards. Twenty-four and twenty-five year old physicians who had just passed their examinations grew great beards and wore gold-rimmed eye-glasses, even when their eyes were fine, just to give the impression of experience to their first patients.
Even though breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in women in their 40's, the disease still affects fewer than 2 percent of women in this age group. After age 50, the death rate from breast cancer rises rapidly, but over a woman's lifespan, it lags behind lung-cancer deaths and never comes close to the death rate from heart disease. Heart attacks kill about six times as many women as breast cancer [color added]. Still, many women fear breast cancer far more. Because of this fear, the risk seems much larger than it is.