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Isiaka Abiodun Tiamiyu

Mr. Tiamiyu writes that he is an accountant in Lagos, Nigeria, and is 35 and married.


Abortion is an uncanny monster

Devil's incarnate

Pretending to be a friend but a murderer

A killer of professors and professionals

Who'll tame this cannibal?

Doctors and Nurses - They aid and abet it

Pharmacists and Chemists ­ They make and administer its drugs

Government and Legislators - They license it

Society ­ indifferent about it

Religion ­ There are dissenting voices

Abortion is a waster

A protagonist of vices

It destroys the doer and victim

It hunts the mind with guilt

Morality indicts it

Trinity condemns it



Mother nature, I bless you

Mother nature, I thank you

Mother nature, I praise you

I adore you for your ingenuity and wisdom

Your care for me is so great

You always provide me fresh food in all kinds of weather

My food doesn't require stove, gas or electric cooker, burning sticks,

refrigerator to prepare, warm or preserve it

At all times, I fear not dearth or sourness

It always flows fresh and sweet like water oozing out of the rock

Mother nature, I thank you for my mother who feeds me with the purest

milk on earth freely

She neglects the care of business, the love of money, sleep and other

things to feed me with wisdom, strength, intelligence, immunity and

life until I'm strong to feed on meat

God bless my mother

God bless her lovely breast which makes me a witty man

God bless me for sucking



I'm in the world but I'm not of the world

Basking in womb's island like birds in the nest

Nourished in the garden of creation

From sun rising to sunset, I'm under her haven

I've neither clothes nor wardrobes yet not naked

I've neither bed nor pillow yet I lie in heavenly-crafted resting peace

Sometimes, I sleep like owl or walk with my head

I've neither work nor associates yet not bored. I'm always evolving

I'm not blind yet I couldn't see

I'm not dumb yet I speak via telepathy

Like trees tossed by the wind, I choose not nor chew what I eat

I'm calm like the tomb

I see and hear no evil

Climes change alarm me not

I never feel darkness should all the world's lights extinct

I'm immunized against dangers

Name, day and night are irrelevant to me. I exist without them

After my incarnation, thrust through a tunnel, I land noisily in a

strange world

Welcome, a newborn baby 



The king of diseases

The silent killer

The destroyer of strongholds (immunities)

You reign in terror everywhere

Your arrival causes terrible fear to all

You conspire with promiscuity to spoil humanity

You lay your hands on the careless and ignorant till their flesh is


You afflict the poor and the rich with impunity

You lock the door of hope and open the gate of death to your victims

You're bent on reaping the souls of man before real harvest (death)

You giggle as many blinds fall into your traps

You multiply your seeds to have enough to eat and waste

The cry of the innocent and bereaved ones couldn't arouse your

sympathy to cease from evil

Mourners on our streets are increasing everyday

You've wrecked productivity and development

Yet, you're insatiable

If you're a man, you should have had compassion on us

Why are you so callous?

Don't you have senses to understand our plights?

You fortify yourself with deceit that "no weapon (drug) can harm me"

Know that thou must surely fall like other tyrants (diseases)

Jettison your prejudice and false denial, escape for thy life




Temptation, you appear gentle and harmless but you're subtle and cruel

Temptation is lust for the abnormal desire

It's passion for substandard, superficial and regrettable life

charming as real

Men, women, children and nations have been brought under her subtlety

and tyranny

Temptation, thou persuaded me to do what is wrong as right

Temptation, thou persuaded me to choose the bitter for sweet

Temptation, thou persuaded me to choose death in place of life

Temptation, thou art my enemy for life

My good you seek not but my evil

My praise you seek not but my shame

The wise knows its bitter but fools embrace it as sweet

O my soul be thou not his friend

O my thought be thou not beclouded by her garment of deceit

O my eyes be not thou ensnared by her diverse beautiful colours

O my mouth be not thou her mouthpiece

O my hands be not thou her tools

O my feet be not thou her messenger

Temptation! Temptation !! Temptation !!!

What do I've to do with thee?

Temptation is real.

Temptation is for life

It has no respect for anybody

Temptation, thou art my enemy for life



Violence, your name sounds like your acts

Your feet run to shed blood.

You hurt, maim and kill at will.

You take pleasure in destruction and misery.

When others are weeping and gnashing their teeth: you laugh and grin.

You 're a devil.

Oh violence, when shall you cease your evil works?

You start like a squabble, you in end in pandemonium.

You 're seen everywhere; you 're a curse to every generation.

None can predict or determine the extent of his activities.

Violence is void of vision.

Violence is blind.

Avoid him, lest you are blind too.



I'm an advocate to the fearful in the court of examination

I'm a brother to the indolent

I never quit from the battleground

I affiliate with the unprepared because they're always in need of me

I give succor and comfort to him that wants to ruin his mental prowess

I've mortgaged the future of many students already

Many have I conquered who fail to dust their books and burn the

midnight candle

The world would've celebrated many geniuses if they had not accepted my


All over the world they see me as an enemy

They give me different appellations - "aiding and abetting, peeping,

giraffing, expo, impersonation, dubbing, copying, examination

malpractice, etc."

Am I a devil? Is it my fault? Of course not. You're the cause

You, students, love indulging in excessive play, sleep, jest, gist,

eating, ,etc. while others labour

If you change, I'll change. You're my master in this matter.

Your attitude make me active or inactive

You can do better without me

When you change, teachers will be encouraged

Governments will spend less on supervision of examination

Seizure and cancellation of results will cease

My earnest plea is change

The day you change, you'll become a useless tool of mine

Then, I'll go to my grave in peace

Will you bury me in your life today?



Morality is old-fashioned

Aberration is the latest vogue

Chastity is an abuse

Prostitution is a tool of trade

Conscience is sold for livelihood

Cheating is a short-cut

Hard work and honesty are disdained and mocked

Infidelity, divorce and remarriage are norms everywhere

Cruelty, violence and murder are deployed at will

Yet my people love them so

None cry for mercy, and say, save us O Lord, lest we perish



Marriage is like a rose flower, appreciate it always

Marriage is like air, life depends on it

Marriage is like water, keep it fresh

Marriage is like money, spend it thriftily

Marriage is like a vault, discover its hidden treasures

Marriage is like a garden, it has many fruits

Marriage is like a book, study it

Marriage is like a puzzle, wisdom will search it out

Marriage is like a home, build it

Marriage is like words, it strengthens or weakens

Marriage is like a drum, discern its sounds

Marriage is like an economy, plan for it

Marriage is like a glass house, nagging destroys it

Marriage is sacred, break it not



I'm the cry of masses

But I threaten dictators

I defend the right of people

But discomfort oligarchies

Those who advocate my reign have their names immortalize on the

shining gold of time

Those who oppose me have gone with the waves of forgetfulness

I bring peace out of tumult

I bring hope out of darkness

I usher in progress from stagnation and instability

I cherish accountability and give credence the mantle of leadership

I champion consultative constitution

I open the door of fundamental rights but shut the door against abuses

My process is long because I consider the interest of all

Guns can't stop me

Threats don't alarm me

Propaganda can't demoralize

I've always outlived all my foes because I don't die in the heart of my


I set my face on the reins

Till my desire is done in every nation, no turning back

One day, I shall prevail everywhere



He was born in a manger but surpassed anyone born with silver spoon

He was the Son of God but also the Son of man

He was righteous but made friends with and died for sinners

He was not an earthly king but has universal subjects

He had no political party but he was the most righteous ruler the world

has ever known

He was not a university graduate but doctors and lawyers were

astonished at his understanding and answers

He was not a baker but he fed more than five thousand people with bread

He was not a builder but he laid the best foundation of faith

He was never an author but the best of books had been written on him

He was a carpenter but never made one coffin for the dead, he raised

the dead

He had no syllabus but no man ever taught like him

He never enrolled in any law school but he is the Chief Judge

He was not a cardiologist but he healed the broken hearted

He was not an ophthalmologist but he opened the eyes of the blind

He was not a pathologist but he healed all manner of diseases

He was not an oceanographer but he walked on the sea

He did not study criminology but he knew the heart of all men - friends

and foes

He used no physical weapons but he defeated sin, Satan and satanic


All hail and worship Him, The King of kings and Lord of lords.



I believe the thought - God

It defines my purpose for living

I believe the good words and deeds of men

They tell me that someone cares

I believe the wickedness of men

It makes me to watch and pray

I believe in success

It's the celebration of hard labour

I believe in the ultimate good of failure

It challenges my reasoning to attempt new ideas

I believe in education

It's the only permanent legacy

I believe in relationship

For no one is truly independent

I believe in money

It's a defense and answer to all things

I believe in time

It organizes me

I believe in change

It's an acid test of my will and adaptability

I believe in authority

It inspires discipline

I believe in trials

It's a divine exercise

I believe in myself

For I'm fearfully and wonderfully made


copyright 2006 Isiaka Abiodun Tiamiyu

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