Norwegian exhibit about menstruation.
See some booklets roughly contemporary with this one:
Your Personal Guide to Menstruation and Tampon Usage (complete booklet, U.S.A., 1988, o.b. tampons)
Tampax Satin Learner's Kit, 2001, in 3 languages: English. Booklet, pads & tampons
Trousse de l'étudiante French
Estuche de Aprendizaje Spanish
Having Your Period (complete booklet, 1985, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., U.S.A.) Text and pictures are to the point; there's no product to sell.
Omdat de lijnen van je lichaam veranderen (Dutch; English: As the lines of your body change), 2007, the Netherlands, Libresse pads & puberty booklet
Always Changing (complete booklet, Always menstrual pads, 1995, U.S.A.)
More booklets menstrual hygiene companies made for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine - a list of books and articles about menstruation
CONTRIBUTE to Humor, Words and expressions about menstruation and Would you stop menstruating if you could?
Some MUM site links:
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Norwegian menstruation exhibit |
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Olor |
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Religión y menstruación |
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Tampon directory |
Early tampons |
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Tour of the former museum (video) |
Towel, pad, sanitary napkin directory |
Underpants & panties directory |
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Words and expressions about menstruation |
Would you stop menstruating if you could? |
What did women do about menstruation in the past? |
Washable pads |
Read 10 years (1996-2006) of articles and Letters to Your MUM on this site.
Leer la versión en español de los siguientes temas: Anticoncepción y religión, Breve reseña - Olor - Religión y menstruación - Seguridad de productos para la menstruación.

Hvordan Kroppen Din Forandrer Seg (English: "How Your Body Changes") Puberty & menstruation information for girls, 1990, Tampax menstrual tampons, Norway
Complete booklet


I've translated the booklet; see under each page.

I thank the Norwegian contributor of the booklet!

Below: Pp. 36-39.
Questions and answers about tampons
When can I begin to use tampons?
When you get your period the first time. Tampax has a tampon for first-time users that's called Mini. It's small, narrow and easy to insert,
Can I use tampons even if I'm a virgin?
A virgin is, as you must know, a girl who has not had sexual intercourse. Tampon use has nothing to do with that. The opening that menstrual blood passes through at the entrance to the vagina is big enough for a tampon to go through.
Can tampons fall out?
No. The muscles of the vagina hold the tampon in place by closing tightly around it.
Can tampons disappear inside me?
No, it's impossible. The opening in the uterus is a hole just large enough for the blood to come out one drop at a time but too small for the tampon to go through.
How do I take out the tampon?
Pull the string carefully down and forward and the tampon will come out. Then just throw it into the toilet bowl. The string is extra strong and firmly attached to the tampon - you shouldn't worry.
Do I need to change the tampon every time I go to the toilet?
No. You should change it when it's necessary and at least every four to six hours.You'll quickly learn to judge for yourself. If you absolutely have to change it more often use tampons suited to your heavier bleeding.
Do tampons leak?
Tampons won't bleed if you use the proper absorption capacity. If the tampon leaks after a short time and is soaked through with fluid then use one with a greater absorption capacity. If it's only partly soaked (usually only on one side) when you take it out, but it leaks anyway, then it's possible that's it's not placed correctly. Check the instructions again.
Can I use tampons every day?
Use them every day when you're menstruating! That makes your life easier and more comfortable. But remember to not use tampons outside your period.
The Future
As you approach adulthood life can become complicated. It can be a difficult and confusing time. The reason is that your body matures sexually, which can affect your emotional as well as physical condition. You can feel upset and uncertain but that's a natural part of becoming an adult.
As an adult you'll assume more responsibility. You must adjust your own attitudes and values to the new demands that come up. The better you know yourself the easier this transition period will be. You'll enjoy this approaching and exciting stage of your life - no longer as a young girl but as a young woman.
In this little booklet we've tried to answer most questions girls have in puberty.
If you have more questions or if you'd like a free box of Tampax Mini tampons, write to: (address)

End | covers (pp.1&40) inside front cover (p.2) & contents (p.3) 4-7 8-11 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-39 |
Norwegian exhibit about menstruation.
Your Personal Guide to Menstruation and Tampon Usage (complete booklet, U.S.A., 1988, o.b. tampons
Tampax Satin Learner's Kit, 2001, in 3 languages: English, French, Spanish
Having Your Period (complete booklet, 1985, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.)
Omdat de lijnen van je lichaam veranderen (Dutch; English: As the lines of your body change), 2007, the Netherlands, Libresse pads & puberty booklet - Always Changing (complete booklet, Always menstrual pads, 1995, U.S.A.) - OLDER booklets

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